Neuroleadership as the key to success
If you know how the human brain works, you understand what moves people.
The level of knowledge in the neurosciences has grown rapidly in recent years. Today, concepts such as memory, focus, creativity, will, consciousness, rationality and emotions can be empirically analysed and assigned to specific brain regions and states as well as physical processes using imaging techniques.

Understanding the mostly unconscious processes in the brain and body – and their influence on behaviour – is also relevant for the business world. This knowledge plays a particularly important role in areas such as marketing, performance, work-life balance, personality and team development as well as leadership.
In recent years, the neuroleadership approach has become established in business circles. This transfers neuroscientific findings to leadership, innovation, change management and the organisation of the working environment. It deals with questions such as: How do people make decisions? How do they solve problems, regulate emotions, work together or influence each other? And what do they need to be creative? I am happy to talk about these topics if required.
Every change starts with yourself. If you want others to perform better, start by understanding your mind better. It’s worth it – because a healthy organisational culture is the basis for sustainable success.